Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Hello All,

Welcome to my musings and ramblings as I enter a new and unchartered stage of my life: trying to get a job and trying to get pregnant. I figure, let’s see what happens first!

I’m using this blog as an outlet for all of my fears (rational or not), questions, and frustrations since my mom isn’t around. In the good old days when she was here I would call her with my daily rant and she’d either give me advice or wait for me to take a breath and then send B a little bribe not to leave me with her. Usually these tokens were in the form of a package of socks from Marshalls. Because really? Nothing says “You Da Man” better than a good bargain.

Several friends have encouraged me to start a blog with the hopes that I will leave them alone during their productive days of working/adding to their Netflix cues and watching Bravo reality shows on the computer. (I love you Real Housewives!) So peer pressure has forced me to learn how to blog and I’m excited about the
part where people can post responses back to me. Yippee! You should note that I don’t handle criticism well so unless you want to send along a few Prozac with that put-down, shove it.

Here we go….


  1. I would love you to teach me how to blog, Lauren. I will keep up with yours & probably make lots of comments just because we all know I tend to write A LOT! Love to you & your wonderful husband, thanks for allowing me to peek into your life. ~ LynnDee

  2. Lauren!! Good to "see" you and get a little glimpse into your world. Your story about the 8 minute error made me giggle...

    Looking forward to reading more :).
